dharmasphere is for anyone who would like to get involved.
Contact Us
Email dharmasphere at: [email protected]
If you feel moved to donate to our Bodhicitta or dharmasphere accounts here is some information. Thank you in advance for your generosity. We have two bank accounts. Both are with Kiwibank.
Bodhicitta: 38-9011-0505734-00
Giving money to the Bodhicitta account provides an opportunity to offer Dana directly to Bonni and Matthew for support with their living expenses. This account is used for this purpose only. It is an expression of gratitude for lives compassionately dedicated to sharing the teachings of Buddhadharma for the benefit of all beings.
dhamasphere: 38-9022-0006359-00
Giving money to the dharmasphere account provides an opportunity to support the activities of the not for profit dharmasphere collective. Money is used for practical and administrative costs related to running classes and events such as venue hire and publicity and to support wholesome, compassionate action in our community.